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Dodatkowe -30% na cały asortyment*

*Nie dotyczy produktów z kategorii Baldachimy oraz Parasole Procesyjne. Promocje nie łączą się. Rabat naliczany w koszyku. Oferta ważna do 01.11.2023 r.

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Save 20%Ivory chasuble made of ornamental texture with classic IHSIvory chasuble made of ornamental texture with classic IHS
Ivory chasuble made of ornamental texture with classic IHS Sale price$168.96 Regular price$211.20
Save 20%Red chasuble made of floral texture with classic IHSRed chasuble made of floral texture with classic IHS
Red chasuble made of floral texture with classic IHS Sale price$168.96 Regular price$211.20
Save 20%Ivory colored Marian chasuble finished with blue stonesIvory colored Marian chasuble finished with blue stones
Ivory colored Marian chasuble finished with blue stones Sale price$360.22 Regular price$450.28
Save 40%Ornat zdobiony 500 kamieniami z wąskim pasem w kolorze ecru - ORNATY.PLChasuble adorned with stones and a narrow band in ecru color
Chasuble adorned with stones and a narrow band in ecru color Sale price$629.37 Regular price$1,048.94
Save 20%Chasuble richly embroidered floral motif with crosses EcruChasuble richly embroidered floral motif with crosses Ecru
Chasuble richly embroidered floral motif with crosses Ecru Sale price$491.21 Regular price$614.02
Save 20%Ornat bogato haftowany z kamieniami Fioletowy - ORNATY.PLPurple chasuble with embroidered collar
Purple chasuble with embroidered collar Sale price$491.21 Regular price$614.02
Save 20%Purple chasuble made of floral ornamental texture with classic IHSPurple chasuble made of floral ornamental texture with classic IHS
Save 20%Ornat z połyskującej tkaniny z bogatym złotym haftem na pasie - ORNATY.PLChasuble made of shiny fabric with rich gold embroidery at the waist
Save 40%Błyszczący ornat z bogato zdobionym złotym haftem - ORNATY.PLShiny chasuble with richly adorned gold embroidery
Shiny chasuble with richly adorned gold embroidery Sale price$399.11 Regular price$665.18
Save 40%Chasuble with shiny embroidery in greenChasuble with shiny embroidery in green
Chasuble with shiny embroidery in green Sale price$368.41 Regular price$614.02
Save 40%Ornat z błyszczącym haftem w kolorze ecru - ORNATY.PLChasuble with shiny embroidery in ecru
Chasuble with shiny embroidery in ecru Sale price$368.41 Regular price$614.02
Save 20%Chasuble richly adorned with 500 faceted stonesChasuble richly adorned with 500 faceted stones
Chasuble richly adorned with 500 faceted stones Sale price$839.16 Regular price$1,048.94
Save 20%Chasuble ecru with the image of Jesus the Good Shepherd with a decorative burgundy stripeChasuble ecru with the image of Jesus the Good Shepherd with a decorative burgundy stripe
Save 20%Gold Chasuble richly embroidered and decorated with ecru stonesGold Chasuble richly embroidered and decorated with ecru stones
Save 20%Chasuble made of shiny red fabric with a Holy Spirit DoveChasuble made of shiny red fabric with a Holy Spirit Dove
Chasuble made of shiny red fabric with a Holy Spirit Dove Sale price$315.19 Regular price$393.99
Save 20%Chasuble made of shiny fabric inspired by the rosaryChasuble made of shiny fabric inspired by the rosary
Chasuble made of shiny fabric inspired by the rosary Sale price$315.19 Regular price$393.99
Save 20%Ornat bogato haftowany sznurkiem zdobionym kamieniami - ORNATY.PLIvory chasuble with embroidery inspired by rosary
Ivory chasuble with embroidery inspired by rosary Sale price$450.28 Regular price$562.85
Save 20%Chasuble richly embroidered, adorned with gemstonesChasuble richly embroidered, adorned with gemstones
Chasuble richly embroidered, adorned with gemstones Sale price$491.21 Regular price$614.02
Save 40%Chasuble of brocade fabric with embroidered symbol of the Virgin MaryChasuble of brocade fabric with embroidered symbol of the Virgin Mary
Save 20%Marian chasuble made of gold glittery textureOrnat liturgiczny Maryjny błyszczący z kamieniami LE/7025 ECRU - ORNATY.PL
Marian chasuble made of gold glittery texture Sale price$368.41 Regular price$460.51
Save 20%Chasuble with shiny embroidery in ecruChasuble with shiny embroidery in ecru
Chasuble with shiny embroidery in ecru Sale price$491.21 Regular price$614.02
Save 40%Red chasuble with cross neck and shiny embroideryRed chasuble with cross neck and shiny embroidery
Red chasuble with cross neck and shiny embroidery Sale price$368.41 Regular price$614.02
Save 20%Chasuble with decorative embroidery in purpleChasuble with decorative embroidery in purple
Chasuble with decorative embroidery in purple Sale price$491.21 Regular price$614.02
Save 40%Chasuble with shiny embroidery in purpleOrnat Liturgiczny z błyszczącym haftem w kolorze fioletowym - ORNATY.PL
Chasuble with shiny embroidery in purple Sale price$368.41 Regular price$614.02
Save 40%Ornat z błyszczącym haftem w kolorze zielonym - ORNATY.PLChasuble with shiny embroidery in green
Chasuble with shiny embroidery in green Sale price$368.41 Regular price$614.02
Save 20%Chasuble embroidered with Green CrossChasuble embroidered with Green Cross
Chasuble embroidered with Green Cross Sale price$575.99 Regular price$719.99
Save 20%Chasuble embroidered with Green CrossOrnat z aksamitnym zielonym pasem i haftem krzyży - ORNATY.PL
Chasuble embroidered with Green Cross Sale price$677.11 Regular price$846.39
Save 20%Ecru Chasuble with Embroidered Cross SymbolEcru Chasuble with Embroidered Cross Symbol
Ecru Chasuble with Embroidered Cross Symbol Sale price$575.99 Regular price$719.99
Save 20%Red Chasuble with Embroidered Cross SymbolOrnat haftowany na aksamicie z symbolem Krzyż Czerwony - ORNATY.PL
Red Chasuble with Embroidered Cross Symbol Sale price$575.99 Regular price$719.99
Save 20%Ornat haftowany na aksamicie z symbolem Krzyż Fioletowy - ORNATY.PLPurple Chasuble with Embroidered Cross Symbol
Purple Chasuble with Embroidered Cross Symbol Sale price$575.99 Regular price$719.99
Save 20%Chasuble with Velvet Red Band and Cross EmbroideryChasuble with Velvet Red Band and Cross Embroidery
Chasuble with Velvet Red Band and Cross Embroidery Sale price$677.11 Regular price$846.39
Save 20%Chasuble with Velvet Purple Band and Cross EmbroideryChasuble with Velvet Purple Band and Cross Embroidery
Chasuble with Velvet Purple Band and Cross Embroidery Sale price$677.11 Regular price$846.39
Save 20%Chasuble with Velvet Ecru Band and Cross EmbroideryChasuble with Velvet Ecru Band and Cross Embroidery
Chasuble with Velvet Ecru Band and Cross Embroidery Sale price$677.11 Regular price$846.39
Save 20%Pink Chasuble with Embroidered Cross SymbolPink Chasuble with Embroidered Cross Symbol
Pink Chasuble with Embroidered Cross Symbol Sale price$576.00 Regular price$720.00
Save 20%Ornat złoty bogato haftowany dekorowany kamieniami - ORNATY.PLGold Chasuble richly embroidered and decorated with gold stones
Save 20%Gold Chasuble richly embroidered and decorated with gold stonesGold Chasuble richly embroidered and decorated with gold stones
Save 40%Red chasuble adorned with stones and a narrow bandCzerwony ornat zdobiony 500 kamieniami z wąskim pasem - ORNATY.PL
Red chasuble adorned with stones and a narrow band Sale price$629.37 Regular price$1,048.94
Save 40%Green chasuble adorned with stones and a narrow bandGreen chasuble adorned with stones and a narrow band
Green chasuble adorned with stones and a narrow band Sale price$629.37 Regular price$1,048.94
Save 20%Green chasuble finished with 500 green faceted stonesGreen chasuble finished with 500 green faceted stones
Green chasuble finished with 500 green faceted stones Sale price$839.16 Regular price$1,048.94
Save 20%Red chasuble finished with 500 red faceted stonesRed chasuble finished with 500 red faceted stones
Red chasuble finished with 500 red faceted stones Sale price$839.16 Regular price$1,048.94
Save 40%Purple chasuble adorned with stones and a narrow bandPurple chasuble adorned with stones and a narrow band
Purple chasuble adorned with stones and a narrow band Sale price$629.37 Regular price$1,048.94
Save 20%Purple chasuble finished by hand with 500 decorative stonesPurple chasuble finished by hand with 500 decorative stones
Purple chasuble finished by hand with 500 decorative stones Sale price$839.16 Regular price$1,048.94
Save 20%Red chasuble richly embroidered with gemstonesRed chasuble richly embroidered with gemstones
Red chasuble richly embroidered with gemstones Sale price$491.21 Regular price$614.02
Save 40%Shiny, richly embroidered red chasubleShiny, richly embroidered red chasuble
Shiny, richly embroidered red chasuble Sale price$399.11 Regular price$665.18
Save 20%Green chasuble richly embroidered with gemstonesGreen chasuble richly embroidered with gemstones
Green chasuble richly embroidered with gemstones Sale price$491.21 Regular price$614.02
Save 20%Green chasuble richly embroidered with a cordGreen chasuble richly embroidered with a cord
Green chasuble richly embroidered with a cord Sale price$450.28 Regular price$562.85
Save 20%Richly embroidered chasuble with cord and stonesRichly embroidered chasuble with cord and stones
Richly embroidered chasuble with cord and stones Sale price$450.28 Regular price$562.85
Save 40%Czerwony ornat bogato haftowany sznurkiem z kamieniami - ORNATY.PLChasuble embroidered with cord and stones
Chasuble embroidered with cord and stones Sale price$337.71 Regular price$562.85
Save 40%Shiny, richly embroidered green chasubleShiny, richly embroidered green chasuble
Shiny, richly embroidered green chasuble Sale price$399.11 Regular price$665.18
Save 40%Shiny, richly embroidered purple chasubleShiny, richly embroidered purple chasuble
Shiny, richly embroidered purple chasuble Sale price$399.11 Regular price$665.18

Chasubles Limited Edition

The chasubles showcased in the Limited Edition section on epitomize the pinnacle of embroidery mastery, boasting elaborate designs and impeccable craftsmanship. Each chasuble is painstakingly crafted by skilled artisans, ensuring a seamless blend of elegance and refinement.
The products featured in the limited series cater to discerning individuals seeking items that transcend the ordinary. The priestly chasubles highlighted in the Limited Edition section are not merely functional vestments; they are exquisite works of art that command attention with their lavish embellishments and unparalleled quality.
Every chasuble available on is a testament to individual style and craftsmanship, featuring unique embroidery patterns that set them apart. Customers can be assured that by investing in a chasuble from the limited series, they are acquiring a distinctive garment of the utmost quality and durability. is more than just an online store; it is a sanctuary for aficionados of embroidery, where tradition seamlessly merges with innovation to produce extraordinary creations. The "Chasubles Limited Edition" section offers an exclusive space for those who appreciate superior quality, unmatched craftsmanship, and the timeless allure of lavishly embroidered priestly chasubles.